However, the NOS for all complementary therapies are now being reviewed by Skills for Health, and there is a small working party of Bowen therapists advising on improvements. They have produced draft documents in conjunction with Skills for Health, which are open for consultation until 20 February 2009. To see the consultation documents, please click here.
The current NOS can be accessed using one of the following links:
Evaluate and process requests for Bowen healthcare (Bowen Healthcare)
Assess the client for Bowen healthcare
Plan the Bowen treatment programme with the client (Bowen Healthcare)
Provide Bowen treatment for the client (Bowen Healthcare)
Evaluate the effectiveness of the Bowen treatment (Bowen Healthcare)
Skills for Health is the Sector Skills Council for Health within the UK and is the Government approved Standards Setting Body for Health Sector professions.
Skills for Health works with Professional and Regulatory Bodies to develop competency frameworks and National Occupational Standards that are recognised by government office and Education and Training institutions, and have a positive role in defining the Profession and good practice within it. As detailed descriptions of good practice (in outcome terms), they include performance criteria and scope of practice (i.e. what must be demonstrated and in what context), and the knowledge requirements to underpin good practice.
National Occupational Standards are supported by Government Departments in the four UK countries as having a key role in professional regulation and recognition, and within qualification and accreditation regimes. They provide a clear specification of good practice in terms of what can be observed, the required knowledge base to underpin good practice, and the context in which competent performance should be demonstrated.
The standards provide a coherent overview of good practice and provide a shared language that is capable of being applied to different contexts, schools and individuals. The benefits of standards are well recognised within all professional sectors and have a key role within Regulation which is supported by the Department of Health and Government office. They define the performance of good practice, which can be objectively measured, and provide Regulatory Bodies and Professional Membership Groups with National benchmarks of good practice for entry and progression for practitioners.
The standards can be used in a variety of ways including by: